Your Source for Process Measurement & Control
HMi Operator Interface
PLACE ORDER - True Analog Touchscreen
- Retentive Internal Data Storage
- Real Time Trending
- Trend Stored Data
- Alarming and Alarm Storage
- Alarm Frequency
- Event Storage (History)
- USB Programming
- USB Memory Storage
- USB Printer
- Add I/O
- Macro Programming
- Multi-Language
- Recipe Storage
- Auto-Scale Application from 10" to 4"
- On-Line Simulation
- Off-Line Simulation
- 10-Level Password Protection
Today’s marketplace is all about how youinterface - with customers, suppliers andyour machinery. trodeks proudly offers anew and easy way to interface, HMi.Available in 4, 6, 8 and 10" models,HMi is atrue analog touchscreen operator interfacewith programmable function buttons for themost robust applications. With the ability tostore recipes, historical and alarm data, ortransfer that data to a USB memory stick,using HMi makes interfacing with yourmachinery easier than ever.
Your Application. Your HMi.
With features that allow you to customizethe perfect operator interface for yourapplication, HMi is the interface solution youwant it to be. HMi models are available ineither a blue mode, grayscale or color screenversions. It’s an interface solution designed to complement your application needs.Because one application doesn’t fit all, youcan scale your applications to any size HMidevice in a few keystrokes - from 4 to 6"to 8 to 10" and back. If you decide toupgrade or downsize your operator interface,the click of a button resizes your screen image to match another screen size. Onceyou see the features of HMi, you’ll agree it’sthe perfect interface device for machinesbuilt to different specifications and sizerequirements. With the ever present need tobe connected to your machinery andprocesses, communications are more important than ever. So, with an expansivedriver list, and 2 or 3 serial communicationports, HMi is the answer for communicatingon virtually any network, including over20 brands of PLCs currently on the market.An expansion slot on the back of the unitconnects to a parallel printer, Ethernetnetwork or even I/O modules, allowing youto do more with your operator interface thanever before.
HMi simplifies configuring applicationparameters with features and software thatprovide added capabilities and makemonitoring your system intuitive.HMi stores your entire application, includingimages, so editing won’t require originalsource files. If your computer fails or yearsfrom now you need to edit the application, there’s no need to track down old originalsource files. HMi is the source. Flexibility,plus the security of password protection,makes HMi the perfect operator interfacefor any user. A feature called Picture Bankuploads/downloads images from HMi to apersonal computer. Save pictures and usethem in other documents, and easily uploadpictures and applications to new HMi units.Its easy-to-use macro ability, with thestrength to handle even the mostcomplicated applications, allowsHMi to help you manage yourmachine more efficiently than ever. From simple math,storing and manipulating trends, data, andcommunications, to sending data fromone PLC to another, macros make HMithe easiest interface on the market.
The Software
For use with the HMi series of touchscreens, this softwaresupports all of the features of HMi. This easy to use Windowsbased software can run on Windows 2000 and XP with aminimum CPU of Pentium III 500 Mhz, 256 MB RAM,100 MB free hard disk space and mouse.
Operation System | Real Time OS |
MCU | 32-bit RISC Micro-controller / 206.4 MHz |
NOR Flash ROM | | NOR Flash ROM 4MB (System: 1MB/ User: 3MB) | NOR Flash ROM 8MB/(System: 1MB User: 7MB) |
SDRAM | | 16MB | 32MB |
Backup Memory(Bytes) | 128K | 512K |
Ext. Memory |  | SM Card |  | USB Disk | | N | Y | Y | Y | Y |
N | N | N | Y | Y |
Extension Interface | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
USB for Download(USB Client) | 1 Client Ver. 1.1 |
USB for Data Transfer/Printer USB Host | Y | N | N | Y | Y |
LCD Module | 3.5" TFT LCD (65536 Colors) 320 x 240 pixels LED Back Light | 5.7" STN LCD (16 Blue) 3320 x 240 Pixels CCFL Back Light | 5.7 STN LCD (256 Colors) 320 x 240 Pixels CCFL Back Light | 8" TFT LCD (65536 Colors) 640 x 480 Pixels CCFL Back Light | 10.4" TFT LCD
(65536 Colors) 640 x 480 Pixels 2CCFL Back Light |
Function Key | User Defined Key x 4 | User Defined Key x 6 | User Defined Key x 7 |
Perpetual Calendar(RTC) | Built-In |
Cooling Method | Natural Air Circulation |
Safety Approval(Waterproof for Front Panel) | IP65/NEMA 4X/CE, UL | IP45/NEMA 4X/CE, UL | IP65/NEMA 4X/CE, UL |
Operating Temp. | 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) |
Storage Temp. | -20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F) |
Ambient Humidity | 10 to 90% RH (0 to 40°C), 10 to 55% RH (41 to 50°C) |
Vibration Resistance | IEC61131-2 compliant; when vibration is NOT continuous: 5 to 9Hz 3.5 mm, 9 to 150 Hz 1G X, Y, Z directions for 10 times |
Dimensions: mm (in)(W x H x D) | 140.8 x 104.8 x 44.8 (5.54 x 4.13 x 1.76) | 184.1 x 144.1 x 47 (7.25 x 5.67 x 1.85) | 243.1 x 178.1 x 52.4 (9.57 x 7.01 x 2.06) | 297.1 x 222.1 x 51.1 (11.70 x 8.74 x 2.01) |
Weight: kg (lb) | 0.310 (0.62) | 0.768 (1.69) | 1.147 (2.52) | 1.721 (3.79) |
Backup Battery | 3 V Lithium Battery CR2032 x 1/Battery Life: 5 Years |
Buzzer | 85dB |
Anemometer | Automation | Accelerometers | Calibrator | Cartridge Heaters | Chart Recorders | Cryogenics | Custom Pressure Transducers | Data Loggers | Data Acquisition | Dial Thermometers | Fiber Optics | Fiber Optic Temperature Measurement | Flexible Heaters | Flow Meters | Glass Bulb Thermometers | Grippers | Heaters | Humidity Measurement | Integrated Circuit Sensors | Immersion Heaters | Infrared Thermometers | Level Measurement | Load Cells | M12 Temperature Connectors | Magnetic Flow Meter | Panel Meter | PID Controllers | pH meter | Pressure Gauges | Pressure Transducers | Pressure Transmitters | Rotameters | RTD | Remote Process Monitoring | Sanitary Sensors | Signal Conditioners | Stepper Motors | Strain Gages | Strip Heaters | Temperature Controllers | Temperature Labels | Temperature Measurement | Temperature Sensor Manufacturing | Temperature Sensors | Temperature Transmitters | Thermal Imagers | Thermistors | Thermocouple | Thermocouple Wire | Thermowell | Ultrasonic Flow Meters | Vortex Flow Meter | Wireless Sensors - فقخیثنس.زخئ - صصص.فقخیثنس.زخئ