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Thermocouple Connector Standard Size Round 2 Pin includes Integral Cable Clamp Cap
OSTW-CC Series
PLACE ORDER - Ultimate Thermocouple Connector Plug or Jack
- Integral Cap, Strain Relief and Cable Clamp
- Combination Phillips/Slot Screws are Captive
- Accepts: Stranded, Solid, TWSH, Overbraid,
- or RSC Coil Cord Wire
- Contact Washers for Quick Connect Wire Terminations
- New Design , Quick and Easy Cable Clamp Assembly
- ANSI or IEC Color Codes
- Universal Female Accepts Standard or Mini Male TC Connector
trodeks OSTW thermocouple wire connectors are round pin standard size, 2 pole TC connectors designed to connect TC wire or temperature sensor instrumentation with a temperature controller or process control HMI automation panel. They are compatible with any other similarly sized Male, 2 prong thermocouple plug or 2 pin Female thermocouple jack . The female TC jack is Universal and will accept either the mini or standard size male TC plug.Hollow pins of thermocouple compensating alloy are used. This TC connector is also available with a solid 2 pin design.
Thermocouple connector plug or jack with ANSI color code Type K Yellow, Type J Black, Type T Blue, Type E Purple, Type N Orange, Type R/S Green,Type C Red ,Thermocouple Connector Color Codes with compensating alloy per ANSI, ASTM and IEC are stocked.
This Ultimate Thermocouple Connector design OSTW-CC is ideal for fast and easy connection of TC cable or thermocouple wire via a TC cable clamp assembly. The cap/clamp contains the 4 captive screws and eliminates the loose screws typical with a traditional metal thermocouple cable clamp. Included are a metal back plate clamp, strain relief and grommets.
To greatly reduce assembly time use part #OST-CC-TOOL assembly tool holding fixture with the OSTW-CC connector and integral cable clamp to connect TC wire or cable. This is a fast and reliable method to terminate TC wire to connectors.

OST-CC-TOOL only 1 required

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are available and in stock, with your choice of connectors.
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