Your Source for Process Measurement & Control
Thermocouple Terminal Blocks
PLACE ORDER - UL Component Recognized
- Type K, J, T, E, N, R/S and U Calibrations
- Screw Type Terminal for Secure and Maintenance Free Connections
- Built-In Miniature Female Thermocouple Connector for Auditing and Troubleshooting
- Uses Industry Standard Marker Strips for Labeling
- Fully Enclosed—No End Plates Required
- DIN Rail Mountable—Narrow 10.7 mm Width
- Identified with Calibration and “+, -” Connections

Tap Into Advanced Connectivity!
Audit your temperature signals anytime, anywhere without interrupting the signal.
The new patented DRTB-2 Seriesthermocouple terminal blocks aremanufactured with thermocouple-grade alloysto guarantee accurate readings. A built-inSMP-compatible female receptacle acceptsa miniature thermocouple connector. Thefemale connector allows the user to connectto a handheld meter for applications such asdata collection, quality assurance compliance,capability studies and trouble shootinginstallation or repairs.
The plastic housing is made from graypolyamide 6.6 thermoplastic resin with aUL 94 V0 rating for 85°C. Thesethermocouple terminal blocks are fullyenclosed and require no end plates. Thescrews are stainless steel and captive andthe wire clamps are made of tin plated brass.Together they provide an excellent vibration,maintenance free and corrosion resistantconnection.
DRTB-2 terminal blocks mount on standard35 mm DIN rails or 32 mm G-type rails,and are identified with calibration type andpositive (+) and negative (-) connections.Wire entry is funneled to allow quick wireinsertion even with stranded wire.
Width: 10.7 mm (0.422")
Length/Height: 52.8 mm (2.08")/42.3 mm (1.666")
Installed Height to 35 x 7.5 mm 35 x 15 mm DIN Rail: 43.5 mm (1.713")/52.8 mm (2.08")
Wire Gauge Ranges: 14-24 solid wire; 16-24 stranded wire
Wire Strip Length: 8 mm (0.31")
Torque in Nm (in-lb): 0.4 (3.54) ±10%
Temperature Rating: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F) Anemometer | Automation | Accelerometers | Calibrator | Cartridge Heaters | Chart Recorders | Cryogenics | Custom Pressure Transducers | Data Loggers | Data Acquisition | Dial Thermometers | Fiber Optics | Fiber Optic Temperature Measurement | Flexible Heaters | Flow Meters | Glass Bulb Thermometers | Grippers | Heaters | Humidity Measurement | Integrated Circuit Sensors | Immersion Heaters | Infrared Thermometers | Level Measurement | Load Cells | M12 Temperature Connectors | Magnetic Flow Meter | Panel Meter | PID Controllers | pH meter | Pressure Gauges | Pressure Transducers | Pressure Transmitters | Rotameters | RTD | Remote Process Monitoring | Sanitary Sensors | Signal Conditioners | Stepper Motors | Strain Gages | Strip Heaters | Temperature Controllers | Temperature Labels | Temperature Measurement | Temperature Sensor Manufacturing | Temperature Sensors | Temperature Transmitters | Thermal Imagers | Thermistors | Thermocouple | Thermocouple Wire | Thermowell | Ultrasonic Flow Meters | Vortex Flow Meter | Wireless Sensors - فقخیثنس.زخئ - صصص.فقخیثنس.زخئ