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Mini RTD Temperature Transmitter With M12 Connectors
TX-M12-RTD Series
PLACE ORDER - Programmable RTD Transmitter for use with Pt100, 500 or 1000 ohm RTD Sensors
- M12 Connections Provide Easy Attachment to Your Sensor and Instrumentation
- Can be used with 2-Wire, 3-Wire or 4-Wire RTD Sensors (See Wiring Information Below)
- Small Size, 38mm Diameter Housing Weighs Just 100 grams (3 1/2 oz)
- 4 to 20mA or 0 to 10VDC Output Models Available.
- Rangeable from -200 to 850°C (-328 to 1862°F)
trodeks’s TX-M12-RTD Series RTD transmitters offerimproved performance over conventional in-headtransmitters yet are a fraction of their size and weight.Integral M12 connectors maintain IP67 protection andconnection integrity while allowing for a quick andsimple change of sensor. Two models are availablewith either 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 Vdc output. Defaultscaling for the full output is 0 to 100°C (32 to 212°F),other ranges can be scaled at time of purchase for anadditional charge; or the optional USB programmingmodule (USB-CONFIG-UNIT) will allow the end user toperform scaling.
The TX-M12-RTD transmitter is ideal for use withtrodeks’s 4-wire PR-21, PR-22 and PRS-M12 Series RTD probes, or anyRTD probes with an M12 “A” coded pin style connectorwhich connects directly to theTX-M12-RTD sensorinput. Other 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire RTD probes, as well as slide wire resistance devices, can be easily connected to the TX-M12-RTD transmitter by using a field mountable M12-R-M-FM or M12-S-M-FM plug styleconnector. Please see the wiring diagrams below for 2-wire, 3-wire and 4-wire RTDs, as well as other slide wire resistance devices.
Don't forget to order an M12 extension cable to connect your transmitter to your process instrumentation.
Update Time: 200 mS
Response Time: 0.5 seconds
Warm-up Time: 1 minute to full accuracy
Sensor Connection: 2, 3 or 4-wire M12
Minimum Span: 25°C Thermal Drift
Pt100: 0.013 Ω/°C
Pt500/Pt1000: 0.063 Ω/°C
Accuracy: ±0.2°C + (0.05%) + output accuracy
Excitation Current: <200 uA
Lead Resistance Effect: 0.002°C/Ω
Maximum Lead Resistance: 20 Ω per leg
Operating Ambient: -40 to 85°C; 10 to 90% RH (non condensing)
Configuration Ambient: 10 to 30°C
Weight: Approx 100 g 4 to 20 mA Output Model
Output Type: 2-wire, 4 to 20 mA current loop
Output Range: 4.0 to 20.0 mA
Output Connection: M12 connector
Output Limits: 3.8 to 21.5 mA
Accuracy: mA output/2000 or 5 uA (whichever is the greater)
Loop Voltage Effect: 0.2 uA/V
Thermal Drift: 1 uA/°C
Maximum Output Load: [(Vsupply-10)/20] KΩ
Start Up Time 4 Seconds: I out < 4 mA during start up
Power Supply: 8 to 30 Vdc 0 to 10 Vdc Output Model
Output Type: 3-wire voltage
Output Range: Selectable within 0 to 10V
Current Drive: 2 mA max
Output Connection: M12 connector
Output Limits: -0.1 to 10.5V
Accuracy: Voltage output/1000 or 5 mV (whichever is the greater)
Thermal Drift: 1 mV/°C
Minimum Output: Load 5000 Ω
Power Supply: 12 to 30 Vdc
Transmitter Model | Transmitter Output | Compatible trodeks Sensors |
TX-M12-RTD-V | 0 to 10VDC | PR-21…-2, PR-22, P-L-M12 |
TX-M12-RTD-V-1 | 0 to 10VDC | PR-21…-1, PRS-M12, PR-25AP |
TX-M12-RTD-C | 4 to 20mA | PR-21…-2, PR-22, P-L-M12 |
TX-M12-RTD-C-1 | 4 to 20mA | PR-21…-1, PRS-M12, PR-25AP |
Sensor Input Wiring Diagrams |
 TX-M12-RTD-C and TX-M12-RTD-V |
 TX-M12-RTD-C-1 and TX-M12-RTD-V-1 |
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