Your Source for Process Measurement & Control
High Reliability Solid State Relays
SSRL240 and SSRL660 Series
PLACE ORDER - Current Ratings to 100 Amps
- Multi-Million Cycle Life
- Compatible with Temperature Controllers
- Solid-State, SCR Design
- Zero Voltage Switching
- Control ac Lines to 660 Vac
- AC and DC Control Signal Models
- LED Input Status Indicator
The SSRL series of solid state relays are used to control largeresistance heaters in conjunction with temperature controllers. Solidstate relays are SPST, normally open switching devices withno moving parts, capable of millions of cycles of operation. By applying acontrol signal, an SSR switches ON the ac load current, just as themoving contacts do on a mechanical contactor. Three-phaseloads can be controlled using 2 or 3 SSR’s. Use 3 SSR’s for Y or star3-phase loads using a neutral line. Two SSR’s will control “delta” loadswith no neutral line. Three solid state relays are also used whenthere is no neutral load to provide redundancy and extra assurance ofcontrol.
"Switching" takes place at the zero voltage crossover point of thealternating current cycle. Because of this, no appreciable electricalnoise is generated, making SSR’s ideal for environments where thereare apparatuses susceptible to RFI.
Common Specifications
Operating Temperature: -20 to 80°C (-5 to 175°F)
Storage Temperature:-40 to 80°C (-40 to 175°F)
Isolation: 4000 Vrms, input to output; 2500 Vrms input/output to ground
Capacitance: 8 pF, input to output (max)
Line Frequency Range: 47 to 63 Hz
Turn-On Time: 20 ms, ac; 05 cycle, dc
Turn-Off Time: 30 ms, ac; 05 cycle, dc
These SSR’s are of the twin SCR type, inherently morereliable and capable of higher overloads before failure thantriacs. Heat is developed in a solid state relay due to thenominal voltage drop across the switching device. Todissipate the heat, an SSR must be mounted on a finnedheat sink or aluminum plate. An SSR should be locatedwhere the ambient temperature is relatively low, since thecurrent switching rating is lowered as the temperatureincreases. Another SSR characteristic is a small leakagecurrent across the output when the relay is open. Becauseof this, a voltage will always exist on the load sideof the device.
In comparing SSR’s with mechanical contactors, the SSRhas a cycle life many times that of a comparably pricedcontactor. However, SSR’s are more prone to failure due tooverload and improper initial wiring. Solid state relays canfail, contact closed, on overload circuits. It is essential that aproperly rated, fast blowing I2T fuse be installed to protectthe load circuit.
Finned heat sinks are anodized fabrications that comecomplete with tapped mounting holes and screws. Seethermal rating curves and ordering instructions for properselection.
All SSRL series relays come with a thermally conductivepad mounted on the baseplate. This will significantlyimprove the thermal conductivity between the heat sink andSSR baseplate. It is also suggested that 10-inch-pounds oftorque be used on the SSR mounting screws.

Output Specifications for Vac and Vdc Input ModelsSpecifications | 10 Amp | 25 Amp | 50 Amp | 75 Amp | 100 Amp |
Max On State Current | 10 A | 25 A | 50 A | 75 A | 100 A |
Max On State Current | 100 mA |
Max 1-Cycle Surge | 150 A | 300 A | 750 A | 1000 A | 1200 A |
Max 1 sec Surge | 30 A | 75 A | 150 A | 225 A | 300 A |
12T (60 Hz), A2sec | 416 | 937 | 2458 | 5000 | 6000 |
SSR240 Series Electrical Specifications | Input-Control Signal | Output |
Model No. | Type | Control Signal Voltage | Control Signal Turn-On | Control Signal Turn-Off | Max Input Current | Peak Voltage* (60 Sec. Max.) |
SSRL240AC10 SSRL240AC25 SSRL240AC50 SSRL240AC75 SSRL240AC100 | ac Control Signal | 90 to 280 Vac | 90 Vac | 10 Vac | 10 mA | 800 V |
SSRL240DC10 SSRL240DC25 SSRL240DC50 SSRL240DC75 SSRL240DC100 | dc Control Signal | 3 to 32 Vdc | 3 Vdc | 1 Vdc | 14 mA | 800 V |
SSRL660AC50 SSRL660AC75 SSRL660AC100 | ac Control Signal | 90 to 280 Vac | 90 Vac | 10 Vac | 10 mA | 1200 V |
SSRL660DC50 SSRL660DC75 SSRL660DC100 | dc Control Signal | 4 to 32 Vdc | 4 Vdc | 1 Vdc | 14 mA | 1200 V |
*Transients above table value should be suppressed.
SSR240 Series Output-Vac Load SpecificationsModel No. | Nominal ac Line Voltage | Nominal Load Current | Max. Contact Voltage Drop | Max. Off-State Leakage (25°C max. ambient) |
120 Vac | 240 Vac | 440 Vac |
SSRL240AC10 SSRL240AC25 SSRL240AC50 SSRL240AC75 SSRL240AC100 | 24 to 280 Vac | 10 A 25 A 50 A 75 A 100 A | 1.6 V | 0.1 mA | 0.1 mA | N/A |
SSRL240DC10 SSRL240DC25 SSRL240DC50 SSRL240DC75 SSRL240DC100 | 24 to 280 Vac | 10 A 25 A 50 A 75 A 100 A | 1.6 V | 0.1 mA | 0.1 mA | N/A |
SSRL660AC50 SSRL660AC75 SSRL660AC100 | 48 to 660 Vac | 50 A 75 A 100A | 1.6 V | 0.25 mA | 0.25 mA | 0.25 mA |
SSRL660DC50 SSRL660DC75 SSRL660DC100 | 48 to 660 Vac | 50 A 75 A 100 A | 1.6 V | 0.25 mA | 0.25 mA | 0.25 mA |
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