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ProducTVity Station - Web Enabled Controller for Displaying Andon Messaging on Large Screen TV
AU-PTV Series Web Enabled Controllers
PLACE ORDER - Ready to Deploy Plant Floor Visualization System
- Creates Hi-Definition Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and Andon Message Boards
- Connect up to 16 CS Series Modules for Analog/ Digital I/O and PID Control
- Includes 2G Memory Card for Data Logging
- Syncs Data Logs to FTP Servers and Microsoft SQL Server
- Built-In Webserver Allows Remote View or Control from any Internet Connected PC
- 720P DVI Output Supports 720 or 1080 TVs with DVI or HDMI Interfaces
- 200+ Communications Drivers for Communicating Directly with PLCs, Drives, Motion Controllers, etc.
- Free Software - Maps to PLC or Uses C-like Language
Transforms a standard consumer TV into a versatile realtime KPI production scoreboard and andon system - TV not included
The ProducTVity Station is a ready to deploy solution for displayingproductivity information, andon messaging, and process statuson any off-the-shelf TV, PC monitor and even projectors. The PTVleverages over 200 communications drivers via three independentserial ports and an Ethernet port, to connect and collect data fromvirtually any PLC, drive, bar code scanner, etc. Its 720p (1280 x 780resolution) DVI output is compatible with both 720p and 1080p/i TVs.The ProducTVity Station’s built-in data-logger can record any keyperformance indicators, as well as andon events for later review.The PTV can synchronize the log files with any FTP server and/orMicrosoft’s SQL Server for further analysis.
The ProducTVity Station extends production monitoring to remotepersonnel by providing email and text alerts, and its built-inwebserver allows productivity information to be monitored via anynetworked PC or smart-phone. If enabled, remote personnel can takepartial or full control of the system remotely, allowing a maintenanceperson to effect changes without a site visit.
The ProducTVity Station ships complete with a 2GB CompactFlashcard, as well as a DVI to HDMI cable 4.6 m (15'), and HDMI/DVIadaptor.
The PTV is programmed with the popular Crimson® software. This software is known for it easy-of-use drop & drag data mapping and extensive graphic library.
To view the specification, please click on the "SPECS" link above.
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