Your Source for Process Measurement & Control
Magnet Mount Thermocouples
MP1 and MP2
PLACE ORDER - Measures Surface Temperature of Ferrous Materials
- Spring Mounted Thermocouple
- Single or Dual 53 Newton (12 lb) Pull Magnets
- J, K, E, T Calibrations
- Magnet Will Retain 90% of Its Pull at 370°C (700°F)
- Subminiature Male Connector with Write-On Window and Cable Clamp Included
- 1 M (40") SS Overbraid Glass, or PFA Wire
An extremely versatile low cost magnetic mount thermocouple! Utilize for a myriad of applications where magnet mounting is feasible. A portable and flexible solution.
 | | Magnet Dimensions, MP1: 25 H x 38 W x 25 mm D(1.0 x 1.5 x 1.0") Magnet Dimensions, MP2: 108 mm H (with handle) x 64 W x 25 mm D(4.3 x 2.5 x 1.5") Lead Wires: 1 m (40"), SS overbraided glass standard,PFA-insulated optional |
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